53rd Annual Meeting of the ISPNE

Featured Speakers

Presidential Symposium: Has Targeting the HPA Axis Delivered Translational Impact?
Chairs: Valeria Mondelli (UK) and Alan Schatzberg (USA)
Wednesday, August 30

 Valeria Mondelli, PhD
 Clinical Professor of Psychoneuroimmunology
 King's College, London, UK

Where are we with personalized intervention in psychiatry?


Stuart Watson, MBBS, MRCPsych, MD

Academic Clinical Senior Lecturer
Newcastle University, Newcastle upon Tyne, UK

Why have Mifepristone trials failed?


 Alan F. Schatzberg, MD
 Kenneth T. Norris, Jr. Professor or Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences
 Stanford University, Stanford, CA, USA

 What have we learnt from our experience with RU486 and with blocking the glucocorticoid receptor?


Christian Otte
Vice Clinic Director and Senior Physician
Head of the Affective Disorders Module
Charite - Universitatsmedizin, Berlin, Germany

Translational impact of mineralocorticoid receptor manipulation in major depression


Keynote Lecture 1 
Thursday, August 31

 Charles Nemeroff, MD, PhD
 Matthew P. Nemeroff Endowed Chair, Dept. of Psychiatry & Behavioral Sciences
 Director, Institute for Early Life Adversity Research
 Co-Director, Center for Psychedelic Research & Therapy
 Professor, Dept. of Psychiatric & Behavioral Sciences
 Dell Medical School, University of Texas at Austin, Austin, TX, USA
Lessons learnt from CRF research


Plenary Symposium 1: The Impact of Psychoneuroendocrinology on the Health of Women and Babies
Thursday, August 31

 Annamaria Cattaneo, PhD
 Associate Professor, Dept. of Pharmacological and Biomolecular Sciences
 Universita Degli Studi di Milano, Milan, Italy

 Molecular and biological understanding of perinatal mental health


 Samantha Meltzer-Brody, MD, MPH
 Assad Maymandi Distinguished Professor and Chair
 Director, UNC Center for Women's Mood Disorders
 University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, NC, USA

 Brexanolone, and how psychoneuroendocrinology has helped maternal mental health

 Sonja Entringer, PhD
Professor, Institute of Medical Psychology, Charité Universitätsmedizin Berlin, Germany
Professor of Pediatrics, Senior Investigator, Development,
Health and Disease Research Program, University of California, Irvine, School of Medicine


The role of cortisol and inflammation in the intergenerational transmission of risk


Keynote Lecture 2
Thursday, August 31

Elisabeth Binder, MD, PhD
Director and Scientific Member
Max Planck Institute of Psychiatry, Munich, Germany

FKBP5, from molecular discovery to translational impact


Plenary Symposium 2: Improving the Health of Society through Psychoneuroendocrinology
Friday, August 31

Shannon Gourley, PhD
Associate Professor and Researcher
Emory National Primate Research Center
Emory University, Atlanta, GA, USA

How we can improve resilience in young people?


 Robert Kumsta, PhD
 Full Professor of Biopsychology
 University of Luxemborg, Esch-sur-Alzette, Luxemborg

 How early psychosocial risk is ‘biologically embedded’ and increases the risk of long term health problems 


 Elisabeth (Birdie) Shirtcliff, PhD
Research Professor
 University of Oregon, Eugene, OR, USA

 Stress impact on puberty and youth health



Keynote Lecture 3
Friday, September 1

 Andrew H Miller, MD
 William P. Timmie Professor of Psychiatry and Behavioral Science

 Program Director, Emory Mind Body Program
 Emory University, Atlanta, GA USA

 Inflammation and the Development of Targeted Treatments in Psychiatry


Keynote Lecture 4
Friday, September 1 

Michael Meaney, CM, CQ, FRSC
Co-Scientific Director, Ludmer Centre for Neuroiinformatics and Mental Health, Douglas Research Center
Director, Sackler Program for Epigenetics & Psychbiology, Douglas Research Center
James McGill Professor, Dept. of Neurology and Neurosurgery, McGill University
James McGill Professor, Dept. of Psychiatry, McGill University

Translational Transcriptomics: Seqing the truth from model system and human cohort studies of mood disorders