ISPNE 2024 Virtual Annual Meeting:
Technology in Psychoneuroendocrinology
This conference theme gave us the opportunity to explore technological advancements in psychoneuroendocrinological research over the past decade. The conference highlighted both technological advancements of the recent past and new advancements currently being developed. We explored the ways these advancements impact the future of psychoneuroendocrine research and its applications to treatment. Our virtual format consisting of prerecorded and invited talks, poster sessions, flash talks, and live sessions allowed people from across the globe to participate and share ideas with ISPNE's community of researchers.
ISPNE 2023 Annual Meeting

53rd Annual Meeting of the ISPNE
held at
The Royal Society of Medicine 1 Wimpole Street London, United Kingdom W1G 0AE

Thank you to the ISPNE 2024 Sponsors:
